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Author name: Home Buyers Birmingham

What Birmingham Homeowners Need to Know About Pre-foreclosure

What Birmingham Homeowners Need to Know About Pre-foreclosure

If you’re struggling to make mortgage payments or dealing with a financial crisis, the thought of facing foreclosure can be scary and overwhelming. When you’re in this situation, it can be tempting to avoid the issue and hope that it will go away. To help Birmingham property owners navigate this process, here’s an overview of the first stage of the foreclosure process: pre-foreclosure.

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8 Tips for Selling Your Home Fast

8 Tips for Selling Your Home Fast

There are certain times in life when you need to sell your home quickly. Whether it’s because of a job change, divorce, major life event, or financial distress, sometimes you don’t have time to wait for market conditions to improve or to be patient while your house sits on the market. In these situations, you have to be proactive to make sure your home sells quickly, regardless of market conditions. With that in mind, here are 8 tips to help Birmingham homeowners sell their homes quickly.

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A no-nonsense review of home cash buyers: The good and the bad

A no-nonsense review of home cash buyers: The good and the bad

Click Here to Call Us A no-nonsense review of home cash buyers: The good and the bad Let’s start with our conclusion: selling to a home cash buyer is not black and white, “Amazing” versus “Don’t touch it with even a barge pole.” Instead, it boils down to two fundamental drivers, which should align perfectly.

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How to Sell Your House in a Slow Market

How to Sell Your House in a Slow Market

After a couple of years of strong real estate markets in the Birmingham area, things have slowed down considerably. If you do have to sell your home in the current market, there are some things you can do to help it sell faster. Here are 6 tips for selling your house even in a down market.

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Why a trusted home cash buyer is a real estate investor’s best resource

Why a trusted home cash buyer is a real estate investor’s best resource

Why a trusted home cash buyer is a real estate investor’s best resource. In short, they offer you an exit plan that works in a seven-day window and won’t take advantage of the portfolio’s weakness – especially if they know they’re part of your team for future deals.

Why a trusted home cash buyer is a real estate investor’s best resource Read More »

Why rising mortgage rates has created a stalemate in the tug-of-war between buyers and sellers in the residential real estate markets

Why rising mortgage rates has created a stalemate in the tug-of-war between buyers and sellers in the residential real estate markets

Real estate pundits would have us believe that every home sold in America involves a lending bank or mortgage company. They run around ringing the alarm bells as if the world’s end is upon us as mortgage rates hit 7% for the most popular 30-year mortgage arrangement.

Why rising mortgage rates has created a stalemate in the tug-of-war between buyers and sellers in the residential real estate markets Read More »

Separating Professional Home Cash Buyers from the Scammers

Separating Professional Home Cash Buyers from the Scammers

The real estate markets have been on fire since the pandemic, ushering in significant volatility and uncertainty. Unfortunately, when this occurs, scammers infiltrate the industry looking for every gap and advantage to rip off unwary homeowners. The good news is that the red flags are easy to see if you’re looking out for them.

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