You have a house that you need to sell so you open Google to search. Search suggestions begin to appear and one of them is what you need, Sell Your House Fast Birmingham. There are many homeowners that conduct this search every day. Your situation is special because the only house that matters is the one you are wanting to sell. So how do you sell your house fast in Birmingham?
The Process Begins
Since you have searched Google on ways to sell your house fast and come to Home Buyers Birmingham you are likely seeing many websites that are identical. You are wondering if all of these websites are the same company. There are many companies that use multiple websites hoping to get leads. It seems all these websites want is your information. You would be correct with your assumption. They are templates that are purchased and used for a monthly fee to the provider. Home Buyers Birmingham does not use a template nor pay a fee to a provider for use of their website templates. That should be your first clue as to which companies are professional. Your goal is to sell your house fast so you need to work with a professional company. Does this mean we can buy every house? The truthful answer
is no. We wish every homeowner and investor could work with us but we don’t own
the tree money grows on. We haven’t found the tree as of the date of this
Next Steps
Once you locate a company that you want to call or provide the information about your property you should ask questions. In many cases these companies are simply trying to resale your property with no intentions of buying it themselves. It’s important to know whether they have the money to buy your house or are attempting to place it under contract hoping to find a buyer. Ask whether they are buying with the house with their own money, cash or financing, or attempting to place it under contract to sell to an actual investor.
There are many that use these tactics but call themselves cash buyers and/or investors. Unfortunately, they are neither. Many do not have the money to purchase your property but will say their partner is the person with the money. This is also a statement that lacks truth. The partner they are referring to is the investor they are selling the house to immediately without closing. They will do what is known as an assignment or a double close.
An assignment is placing the house under contract and marking up the price to an investor without actually closing on the property.This is known as an assignment fee. It’s similar to an agent commission without an agent’s license. It is a legal practice if disclosed to the seller of the property. In many cases this is not disclosed to the owner.
A double close is placing a house under contract and actually closing on the property. The house is them resold immediately to the investor to make it appear they are actually buying the house. This is also a legal practice. This doesn’t have to be disclosed to the seller since they purchased the house, even if they only owned it for 30 seconds.

How is Home Buyers Birmingham Different?
That’s a good question. Home Buyers Birmingham tries to be professional and honest. We will assign and double close if an investor approaches us while it is under contract. We only do this if the investor can close by the date listed on the contract. You need to sell your house fast so all that matters to you is meeting the deadline stated in the contract.
We do purchase houses in Birmingham with our own money though. This is the way we prefer to do business. It means less drama typically since we are not waiting on someone else to meet the deadline of closing. There are many things that go into being able to buy a property including but not limited to; attorney, title, and municipal letters. By adding another party to the process can delay closing on your house. That’s not what you signed up for when you signed the contract to sell your house. You signed the contract expecting the buyer to follow thru with the terms set forth in the contract.You also expected the buyer to be honest about their ability to purchase the house.
There can be things that were not expected that occur during the process. The title may show an unpaid mortgage from years ago that wound up being a clerical error in the courthouse. This would have to be cleared before the title company will insure the property. This is only one example of potential things that can arise when trying to sell your house. We have seen many issues over the years that were not expected. If it can be overcome we will and always have continued to close on the property.
It is not enough to submit your information to every site that comes up when you search Google when you are trying to sell your house fast in Birmingham. It’s more important to know that you are working with a company that is professional. The most common mistake we see are owners that contact us saying their property was under contract but the buyer didn’t close. This usually limits what can be done because the time frame to get the house closed has greatly diminished from waiting a month or longer to close. That is time lost now and it is almost impossible to get a close closed in less than 2weeks given the services and letters needed to obtain clear title.
Instead of submitting your information to every company on Google that pops up give it to Home Buyers Birmingham. Let us see if we can help you get your house sold fast. You can submit your information in a couple of places on this page or feel free to call us.
You won’t find the information we have shared here on any other website. The other sites don’t want you to know what they are doing but at Home Buyers Birmingham, we believe in honesty. It’s the best policy.